Data Retrieval Flow

Data Retrieval Flow

The API organises objects in a logical and hierarchical structure for straight-forward navigation.

Generally objects are organised as follows:

In order to get to the data, you'll need to traverse the API structure starting with the Controller. Here's an example:


First, you'll want to see what Controllers are available on your Account.

This will list your Controllers and their details.

Choose a specific Controller and request it using it's ID.

Request all Controllers

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Request a specific Controller

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Now that you have a Controller chosen, you can list all Devices connected to it.

These could be LAN devices, like power meters, or other sources, like an internet weather feed, etc.

Choose a specific Device and request it using it's ID.

Request all Devices on a Controller

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Request a specific Device

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Data Point

Using the Device ID, you can see what Data Points are connected. A Data Point is a discreet data channel, like a temperature sensor reading, or phase-A current on a power meter.

Again, you can get the details of a specific Data Point using it's ID.

Now that we have a specific DataPoint, we are ready to retrieve data. This is covered in the next section.

Request all DataPoints on a Device

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Request a specific Data Point

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